Ampenan - Museum - Islamic Center - Lingsar - Weaving Village - Pottery Village
We will drive you two and a half hours from Senggigi (two hours from Kuta, two and a half hours from Sekotong) to the harbour. We will make s stop to see Wahana Pohon Purba, ancient trees about 3,5 centuries old. As we procceed to reach snorkling spot in Gili Bidara and Kondo we will also pass the Mangrove forestation. trust the boatman to arrange the time also to visit Pulau Pasir which is marvelous. this is a tour for people who wants to go further and find a more untouchable snorkling ares as less tourists come this way. the drive wont be boring as long as you bring your good mood and curiosity, as there are always a lot to see in different sides of Lombok.
Traditional Market - Weaving Village - Pottery Village - Selong Belanak Beach - Kuta Beach - Merese Hills
Your stay - Harbour - Paradise - Endless snorkeling
Your stay - Harbour - Paradise - Endless snorkeling
Malimbu - Nipah - Malaka - Pearl farm - Sendang Gile Waterfall - Tiu Kelep Waterfall - Sasak Village